Monday, January 17, 2011

Attack of the Noodles…

Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Vietnam Flavor

Okay, so when I last stopped by the Asian grocer they were out of my favorite instant pho noodles, so I gave this a try because it said Vietnam flavor, and beef flavor on the package. Taking all of that into consideration, I assumed this would be some sort of pho type instant noodle. Boy; was I ever wrong, and boy am I ever sorry.

First off, nowhere on the package does it mention the word spicy, and this is very spicy. I’m beginning to notice a trend here, of all of the noodles I have tried that happened to be spicy, all of the ones that never bothered to mention this fact on the package were all made in Vietnam, and this is no exception. But, unlike the other ones, this was very spicy.

I also find it funny that they were honest enough to put on the label, in fairly large print I might add; that this is an artificial beef flavored instant noodle. That’s a nice touch, no seriously, it is. Why hide the fact? Just flaunt it, embrace it, and say what you are upfront. It’s as if they are saying, ‘I’m artificial, and proud.’

If you like your noodles spicy, this is for you. If you’re more like me, this is not for you.

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