Friday, January 14, 2011

A Second Helping of More than Noodles...

Vifon Pho Bo

One of my favorite foods on the planet is Vietnamese beef noodle soup, also known as Pho. This is not the real thing, but it’s a pretty good facsimile, and it’s pretty cheap too.

It’s not ramen, because its rice noodle based, and it’s even easier to prepare than a package of ramen noodles. Just boil some water, place the noodle, and the flavoring packets in a bowl, pour the proper measurement of boiling water into the bowl, cover, and wait a few minutes.

What you end up with is a tasty snack and like I already said, it’s cheap too. You should be able to find it at your local Asian grocer. Unfortunately, my Asian grocer never seems to have it in stock, and this leads to much aggravation for me.

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