Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Long Lost Classic...

Battle Arena Toshinden (1994)

This seemingly forgotten fighting game is well-deserving of a revival. Just as much fun as the Street Fighter franchise and way cooler than Mortal Kombat ever could be; Battle Arena was a weapon based fighting game, and one of the earliest fighting games available for the original PlayStation system.

The story featured eight different warriors who meet for combat in the arena, brought together to find glory in victory by competing in this competition which is hosted by a secret society. Simple enough I guess, but for me, it was the initial reason I bought a PlayStation, and I’m sorry to see that it isn’t more fondly remembered.

Keep your eyes peeled the next time your shopping in the used video game shop, find yourself a copy of this classic, and give it a try. Trust me, the game is addictive, and more fun than you might expect.

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